Sunday, February 21, 2016


In my hometown Española, there ranges different dialects of language just as there does in other communities. Since I am from northern New Mexico, there is a lot of English, Chicano English, Spanglish, and Spanish that is spoken along with slang that is tossed around. I am Hispanic and although I think Spanish and English have evolved and changed, they still have the same convergent. For Example, when referring to "a lot", people in my town will use the phrase "he/ she talkes all kinds". Other times we include unnecessary words at the end of our phrases such as "I know huh". Rarely does my family speak a lot of Spanish. When they do, it is in the form of Spanglish, which is moving between Spanish and English in the same sentence and it is often used by my grandparents more than anyone else. When I have visited other communities such as Los alamos, which is where my parents work, I notice that they do not show much language dialect and often stick strictly to English. When I use the slang I grew up around, they understand it, but they don't use it. In Albuquerque, I don't hear much of the dialects I hear from back in Española either but I think the reason for that is because a lot of the people who live in Albuquerque are not originally from that city.